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The American Gardener
  • The American Gardener

    SKU: e0077

    This ebook provides over 150 pages of helpful gardening how-to information, and tips that will help you grow plants with ease.

    Even if
    you're a professional gardener, you'll find many tips
    to help better your growing success!

    What You'll Find In The American Gardener:

    • Choosing
      the right location on your property for growing
      plants. You'll find in depth information on slope
      of your land, and what spot is best for growing

    • Preparing
      the soil properly to provide nutrition for healthy

    • Fencing
      techniques for your garden. I LOVE this section.
      The author provides humorous techniques for using
      hawthorn trees as fencing, to keep troublesome lads
      from stealing their fruits and vegetables! You
      do not need to spend hundreds for a chain link,
      wooden or brick fence. Use hawthorn trees
      and with a little love and time you'll have a fence
      that will make your neighbors green with envy!

    • Designing,
      or laying out, your garden so that it's pleasing
      to the eye yet functional as well.

    • You'll
      learn how to make hotbeds, so that you can start
      your vegetables earlier in the season and have
      edible produce as many as 15 days earlier than
      normal! This can be a moneymaker if you sell produce.
      Be the first in your neighborhood to have fresh
      green tomatoes and watermelons!

    • Learn
      the benefits of operating a hobby greenhouse, and
      how it can be beneficially to your household.

    • Learn
      about true seeds and the soundness of seed. You'll
      learn how to test seed before you plant them, to
      determine if you have good seed or bad. Some seed
      will not grow if it's bad, and by using a simple
      technique you can throw out the bad instead of laboring
      with planting them only to find no lovely sprouts
      growing where they were sowed.

    • Learn
      proper methods for saving and preserving seed. I
      find this the most fun of gardening! I now save
      seed regularly and have a yard full of beautiful
      blooms from seeds I have saved and sown.

    • Learn
      proper sowing methods to improve your seeds germination
      rate, and to ensure healthy plants. Proper spacing
      and depth can mean success or failure in the garden!

    • American
      Gardener provides proper transplanting methods,
      to ensure your plants survival when moving from
      one area to another. This
      is the chapter that covers the information I was
      looking for, to ensure my Japanese Maples survival. I now have two Japanese Maples growing successfully
      in my yard, and what beauty they both bring!

    • Cultivating
      your garden properly and methods for tilling, trenching
      and sowing to ensure your gardens success.

    • Learn
      propagating methods so that you can grow many more
      plants form just one stock plant. Learn propagating
      from cuttings, by grafting, by using stock tress,
      by budding and by layering. All of these are
      easy and fun methods that you and your family are
      sure to enjoy!

    • There
      is a nice section on growing grapes in minimum space
      while producing so many grapes that it'll make your
      mouth water!

    • Learn
      how to successfully grow 81 different vegetables
      and herbs, 26 tasty fruits and nuts and the most
      popular flowers and shrubs with the most gorgeous

    All the information you'll need to get started is provided in the American Gardener, no matter what type of growing success you have had in the past you'll find tips and techniques to improve your growing success in this manual.


    eBook Format: Adobe PDF

    Platform: Windows and Macintosh

    Download Format: Compressed .ZIP

    File Size: 930 KB

    Master Resell Rights: Yes!

    Sales Page Included: Yes!

    You will get an instant download of this product after purchase when paying with credit card.

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