A Note from the Founders: Hi everyone and welcome to the first True Healers blog post! Before we get into today’s topic, I wanted to write a quick note to our community about what to expect: This will be a space where we hope to provide education and critical engagement in all things healing and wellness.
Some topics will be tailored towards folks who are just beginning a path in the wellness world, and others will be tailored to folks who have been around the block in this field. Either way, we would love to see you engage with what you read, and send in any questions you might have.
Chances are, there are others wondering the same things! So much of healing is deeply rooted in lineages of diverse cultures-- All of which deserve respect and acknowledgment. We have experts hailing from a number of different trainings and modalities and hope to be an accessible resource to explore. We can’t wait to serve our community!
- Kate & The True Healer Team
Whether you celebrated Thanksgiving or not, it is a time where we are encouraged to express gratitude for the things that promote goodness in our lives. It is a time to pause, gather (sort of), and reflect on all that serves us.
But what about those things that don’t serve us? What about the pieces we have been hanging on to, intentionally or unintentionally, that actually do us harm? In this article, we’ll explore four emotional releasing techniques that allow us to let go of what does not serve us through the lens of a few modalities we offer. Some recommendations can even be done by yourself at home!
The First Step to Emotional Release is Often Awareness.
And trust us, awareness in and of itself is a useful skill that can be cultivated. Awareness of ourselves can be a key tool in recognizing emotional pain. When we pay attention to our thoughts and our bodies, we may notice physical manifestations including but not limited to an increase in heart rate, sweating, indigestion, breakout in skin condition, chest pain, and restlessness.
And if we pay extra attention, we may find that these symptoms our body is alerting us to arise in specific contexts. If you have been cleared by a medical doctor for some of these physical manifestations, or recognize that these symptoms only arise in specific situations, then there might be an emotional or spiritual reason for these symptoms.
Remember, you can work through conflicts of varying degrees of intensity. For example, you may want to release stuck bitterness from someone who wronged you, a negative belief about yourself that you logically know isn’t true but habitually think it of yourself anyway, all the way to soul wounds passed down through generations which may look like grief, agony, and rage.
Assuming you have done the work to recognize a need to release, there are a number of avenues for this process. In fact, there are thousands of methods of emotional release. Your job is to take a deep breath and notice what methods or modalities you are drawn to! Our bodies are a system of energy, information, matter/physical form, and consciousness.
Different modalities will address different parts of the system, and when we address one part of the system, it can impact the others.

1. Reiki Healing
Reiki is a gentle technique developed in Japan that uses laying the hands on and above the client in order to channel universal healing energy through to the client. Studies have shown decreases in depression and anxiety symptoms and increases in overall well-being following Reiki treatment.
You can either receive a reiki healing session from a practitioner or take a course to learn how to self-administer healing energy. The universal energy is channeled to clear emotional blocks and restore balance in the Chakras. Some practitioners incorporate crystals in Reiki healing sessions.
Clear your emotional blocks with crystals - view our collection from the True Healers online store!
2. Metaphysical Healing
Metaphysical healing is an umbrella modality in which there are a number of practices within. Many methods have to do with finding balance and wholeness through intentions, ritual, and mind-body-spirit connection. As such, there are numerous options for emotional releasing. The one we will recommend today is a ritual salt bath.
Sometimes, especially in the west, we uplift pharmaceuticals, forgetting that naturally occurring items in our environment also impact our functioning. A simple salt bath of 1-3 cups of Epsom salt coupled with an intention to release unhelpful emotions can be a wonderful self-administered practice. It can also be customizable to additional needs through additional herbs and oils.
3. Sound Healing
Sound healing uses the power of traveling sound vibrations of instruments like bowls, bells, and gongs to signal healing and relaxation to the brain and body. Some theories suggest that certain frequencies of vibrations provide brain-wave synchronicity that may be felt as a deep state of relaxation. You can attend a private or group Sound Bath to receive this kind of healing.

A sound bath includes sitting or lying comfortably while a practitioner plays multiple instruments of different frequencies. As you listen, you can also physically feel the movement of sound around you.
4. Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is another broad modality and as such there are a number of avenues within this modality to release emotions. Common factors in therapy include developing a working relationship with a therapist and discussing your history and current experiences to gain insight. Sometimes simply developing a professional relationship with honesty, trust, and boundaries can be healing in and of itself.
Or, one can take more directive steps in treatment to move through “unresolved” or stuck emotions by discussing them, experiencing them in their fullest form, learning to accept that the emotions are there, and perhaps learning behavioral directives to further move through the emotion.
The Challenge of Emotional Release
We hope this gives you some options to think about and do some further digging. Remember that emotional releasing is not always easy. Sometimes we need to use our temporary coping choices before we are ready to release.
Emotional releasing can appear as a number of different manifestations including but not limited to sudden revelation, a scream, a good cry, a hot flash, a feeling of freedom. If you are able to achieve this, yay! Celebrate the process. If you struggle, don’t give up.
Sometimes it takes A LOT of work. Additionally, emotional release tools do not need to be viewed as something used “only when it gets bad”. It may be helpful to consider cleansing and releasing unhelpful emotions like you consider personal hygiene such as brushing your teeth and taking a shower. It can be helpful to add self-awareness and releasing stuck emotions to your regimen of care at an interval that works for you!
Written by Kate Slosburg